Momma to Brownie and Lucy
Birthday: 1 March
Size: 9 kgs
Distinguishing features: Black and white in colour. Huge ears and a black heart on her right side
Best skill: Alpha dog and taking control of the situation
Naughtiest behavior: Barking at other dogs
Favorite animal: Penguin

Sandi used to get seasick, but having gone to sea so many times now, she has her ‘sea legs’ and has no trouble at all. At sea, she gets very excited when we find any marine creature, and normally takes to barking with a very loud and sharp yap!
She is very sassy and loves to be in charge. She is definitely the Top Dog. She also takes her ‘job’ of being Mum to Brownie and Lucy very seriously. She loves to lick and groom them, even though they are big adult dogs now.
When we take her for a walk, we have to make sure she is on a lead as she loves to cause trouble with other unsuspecting dogs!
Sister to Lucy and Sandi’s puppy
Birthday: 30 April
Size: 25 kgs
Distinguishing features: Brown in colour, very short fur and a white stripe across her forehead
Best skill: Spotting wildlife
Naughtiest Behavior: Chewing furniture
Favorite animal: Dolphin

Brownie loves adventure and exploring. When she is at sea, she normally stands up at the bow of the boat, looking ahead with her ears flapping in the wind. This is her favorite place!
Despite her adventurous spirit, she can be very shy around people she doesn’t know. But, within our family, she loves to have a big cuddle and lie on the couch all day, when she is not at sea of course!
When we take her on walks, she likes to pull very hard on her lead!
Sister to Brownie and Sandi’s puppy
Birthday: 30 April
Size: 25 kgs
Distinguishing features: Almost all black in colour except for a white blaze on her chest. Chocolate brown eyes
Best skill: Very strong swimmer
Naughtiest Behavior: None!
Favorite animal: Whale

Lucy has the best ‘sea legs’ of all the salty sea dogs. She really understands how the boat moves with the ocean, and even when it’s very rough, she is as solid as a rock. She is happy to just calmly ride along, but as soon as we find a sea animal, she shakes and wobbles with trembles of excitement!
She is a very sensitive dog and hates getting into trouble! She loves to be a good girl and listens to us all the time, she doesn’t even pull on her lead when we go for a walk.